
An image of Westminster Palace with a bright blue sky above

Tick_stroke Resuscitation Council UK attends parliamentary evidence session on Cardiac Arrest Survivorship

On Wednesday 22nd February, the Resuscitation Council UK (RCUK) was pleased to attend a parliamentary evidence session on Cardiac Arrest Survivorship, hosted by the APPG on Defibrillators.


Bottesford FC team photo

Tick_stroke CPQR symbol that could save many lives reaches communities in Nottinghamshire

RCUK and Bottesford FC are using the power of sport to raise awareness of CPR and, are the first grassroots football club in Nottinghamshire to have the CPQR code emblazoned on their U10 Yellows shirts. 

Press release

Rugby community football team wear CPQR code on their kit

Tick_stroke CPQR symbol that could save many lives reaches communities in Warwickshire

Resuscitation Council UK’s (RCUK) heart shaped CPQR code, that featured prominently on Brentford FCs players shirts during a match with Chelsea, is now in the heart of the Rugby community. 

Press release

Hands on chest of manikin performing CPR demonstration

Tick_stroke Basic Life Support to reach communities and organisations across the UK

RCUK has created the innovative Basic Life Support Instructor course (BLSi), which provides a firm knowledge foundation for the delivery of Basic Life Support (BLS) training.

Press release