
Aaron’s heart
This short book will teach you what to do if a baby or child suffers a cardiac arrest. You’ll also learn about prevention, with strategies to reduce the risk of accidents, injuries, and trauma in children.
Please note, the book is available free, with costs payable on postage and packing.
For orders over 125, please email with the subject ‘Baby and child CPR book bulk order’. Aaron’s Heart is only available for order from within the UK, for overseas orders please email us for further details or download the PDF.
Published: July 2023
Price: £0.00 (+0% VAT)
Format: A5 book, 32 pages, full colour

Advanced Life Support (8th Ed.) manual
This publication provides healthcare professionals with the essential knowledge to treat adults in cardiac arrest. It follows the 2021 UK Resuscitation Guidelines (which have been developed using a process approved by NICE) and forms the core reading material for Candidates taking the Resuscitation Council UK Advanced Life Support (ALS) course. High-quality photos and illustrations are accompanied by step-by-step instructions to guide the reader through the key interventions involved in resuscitation. All healthcare professionals who attend adult cardiac arrests as part of a resuscitation team should be familiar with its contents.
Published: May 2021
Price: £47.00 (+0% VAT)
ISBN: 978-1-903812-35-8
Format: A4 Book, 228 pages, full colour

Advanced Resuscitation of the Newborn Infant (2nd Edition)
Provides clear, practical guidance on the recognition and management of neonatal emergencies at birth and on the neonatal unit. It follows the 2021 UK Resuscitation Guidelines (developed using a process approved by NICE) and is the core reading for the RCUK ARNI course. It is an essential resource for all healthcare professionals providing resuscitation or intensive care to complex small, sick babies.
Published: May 2021
Price: £41.50 (+0% VAT)
ISBN: 978-1-903812-40-2
Format: A4 Book, 128 pages, full colour

European Paediatric Advanced Life Support (5th Edition)
Provides healthcare professionals with the core knowledge required to provide adequate management of the critically ill child during the first hour of illness. It follows the 2021 UK Resuscitation Guidelines (developed using a process approved by NICE) and is the core reading for the RCUK European Advanced Life Support (EPALS) course. High-quality illustrations accompany step-by-step instructions to guide readers through key interventions. Each section includes further reading to allow EPALS providers to explore the science behind the resuscitation guidelines.
Published: May 2021
Price: £47.00 (+0% VAT)
ISBN: 978-1-903812-37-2
Format: A4 Book, 211 pages, full colour

Immediate Life Support (5th edition)
This publication provides healthcare staff with the essential knowledge to treat adult patients in cardiac arrest before the arrival of the resuscitation team or experienced assistance. It follows the 2021 UK Resuscitation Guidelines (which have been developed using a process approved by NICE) and forms the core reading material for Candidates taking the Resuscitation Council UK Immediate Life Support course. High-quality photos and illustrations are accompanied by step-by-step instructions to guide the reader through key interventions.
Published: May 2021
Price: £15.50 (+0% VAT)
ISBN: 978-1-903812-36-5
Format: A4 Book, 100 pages, full colour

Newborn Life Support - Resuscitation at Birth (5th edition)
Provides the core knowledge required to give those responsible for initiating resuscitation at birth the background and skills to approach the management of the newborn infant during the first 10-20 minutes. It follows the 2021 UK Resuscitation Guidelines (developed using a process approved by NICE) and is the core reading for the RCUK Newborn Life Support (NLS) course. The manual also provides comprehensive referencing to allow NLS providers to explore the science behind the resuscitation guidelines.
Published: May 2021
Price: £41.50 (+0% VAT)
ISBN: 978-1-903812-39-6
Format: A4 Book, 144 pages, full colour

Paediatric Immediate Life Support (4th edition)
Provides healthcare staff with the essential knowledge to recognise the seriously ill child, initiate appropriate interventions to prevent cardiorespiratory arrest and to treat the child in respiratory arrest before the arrival of the resuscitation team or more experienced assistance. It follows the 2021 UK Resuscitation Guidelines (developed using a process approved by NICE) and is the core reading for the RCUK Paediatric Immediate Life Support (PILS) course.
Published: May 2021
Price: £15.50 (+0% VAT)
ISBN: 978-1-903812-38-9
Format: A4 Book, 128 pages, full colour

Pocket Guide to Teaching for Clinical Instructors (4th Edition)
Pocket Guide to Teaching for Clinical Instructors contains theoretical input on all the modalities of teaching and assessment required for life support training through Resuscitation Council UK and the Advanced Life Support Group blended learning approach.
This Fourth Edition has been thoroughly revised and updated to reflect the latest in the evolution of education methods applicable to resuscitation provider courses.
Published: December 2024
Price: £25.95 (+0% VAT)
ISBN: 978-1-394292-07-3
Format: A5 book, 208 pages, colour

ResusReady CPR practice pillow
Use your ResusReady CPR practice pillow to safely learn and practice CPR basics using your own pillow. Steps to be CPR can be learnt by scanning this CPQR code in the front of the pillow or reading on the back of the insert. Pillow case only, pillow not included.
Price: £9.00 (+20% VAT)
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