Resuscitation Council UK recognises the importance of diversity, both in our organisation and in wider society.
We understand the value of encouraging and championing diversity among the people involved with our organisation, all of whom bring with them a diversity of thinking, perspective and insight.
It is this diversity and inclusion that will help us to further our core mission of ensuring appropriate resuscitation for all. In 2020, Resuscitation Council UK developed a diversity and inclusion policy. We have committed to a series of actions that will ensure diversity and inclusion is at the forefront of how we operate.
Our board of Trustees have committed to an ambition that by 2025, a quarter of people serving as Trustees – and on the Executive Committee, Subcommittees and Working Groups – should be women, and that by 2030, those in all staff and voluntary roles, and those who engage with our training and services, should reflect the diversity of the wider clinical and care professions and wider public.
RCUK staff are embedding the policy into their work, and ensuring increased diversity and inclusion is at the forefront of our training courses, projects and partnerships for staff across all directorates. Our commitment to improving diversity and inclusion will also be reflected in all job descriptions when hiring new employees.
Download the diversity and inclusion policy