
  1. NLS (Newborn Life Support) Course

    Develop your practical and theoretical skills in newborn life support with our NLS course.

  2. PILS Recertification (Paediatric Immediate Life Support) Course

    If your PILS certification is set to expire, take our half-day PILS recertification course.

  3. ARNI (Advanced Resuscitation of the Newborn Infant) Course

    The ARNI course offers advanced training in Newborn Life Support.

  4. Continuing professional development (CPD) for instructors

    … Each will have the same content, so you only need to register for one.  Upcoming session: Innovations in … process.  Have experts to answer your questions. Register for one of the two dates below:   Tuesday 18 June …

  5. Where in the UK has adopted the ReSPECT process?

  6. Cardiac arrest survivor support in the UK

  7. Support after cardiac arrest

  8. Cardiac arrest co-survivor support in the UK

  9. Paediatric advanced life support Guidelines

    Guidelines for treating children who require advanced life support.

  10. Anaphylaxis essentials

    Resuscitation Council UK's Anaphylaxis essentials e-learning comprises four modules to support healthcare providers to gain a deeper understanding and knowledge of the pathophysiology, treatment and management of anaphylaxis.